Me and My Telescope by Lee Coombs

September 1, 2012 admin 0

I have always had an interest in astronomy and, while in junior high school, fabricated a variety of telescopes from old eyeglass lenses or any other optics I could get my hands on. My first real astronomical telescope was one I built using a 6-inch f/8 mirror that was given [Read More…]

Me and My Telescope by Aurora Lipper

August 1, 2012 admin 0

My telescope was given to me as a Christmas present by my husband. The telescope was the “treasure” of a Treasure Hunt I was sent on, picking up parts and pieces of the telescope along the way (the motor drive was found in the clothes dryer). I had never owned [Read More…]

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Curiosity Lands on Mars August 5th

July 31, 2012 admin1 0

Curiosity has successfully landed on the surface of Mars! Here are some of the first images: More images are being posted by NASA here:  Mars Science Laboratory Image Gallery Live coverage starts at 8:00pm on NASA TV and 2:00pm at The Planetary Society’s Planetfest This is the stuff of dreams, [Read More…]

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Woo-hoo! Awesome job!

July 25, 2012 admin 0

You’ve just joined a happy team of fun astronomers!  You’re on the list to get our announcements about upcoming astronomy events, including our star gazing parties and public astronomy lectures. In the meantime, we’re also sending your Your Getting Started Packet right now. Check your email in a few moments to [Read More…]

Radio Astronomy by Tom Smith

July 1, 2012 admin 0

It all started back in late 2001 when I became interested in obtaining an Amateur Radio License so that if I moved to some remote place without phones I would still be able to get hold of help. Well, I have always had a fascination with electronics and theory so [Read More…]