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Earth Day Excellence

April 27, 2014 admin 0

  Our happy club of friendly astronomers were busy at the Earth Day astounding folks with different views of the sun through a variety of different solar scopes, including optical and h-alpha filters, including a special guest appearance by David Gibb’s Lunt scope (image on the right below shows Dave [Read More…]

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Lunar Eclipse

April 16, 2014 admin 0

The total lunar eclipse of April 15 lasted about 3.5 hours between late Monday and early Tuesday, with the Earth’s shadow slowing darkening the face of the so-called “Blood Moon” in a jaw-dropping sight for stargazers willing to stay up extra late or rise super-early for the event. The lunar [Read More…]

Successful Talk with Dr. Dave Mitchell

March 28, 2014 admin 0

Very full meeting last night! Dr. Dave Mitchell spoke to about 85 people, including a bunch of youngsters who asked as many questions as the adults! It was so nice to see the interest from the community about astronomy. Dave had a hard time getting speaking about the moons since [Read More…]

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Solar Presentation at Atascadero School

January 20, 2014 admin2 0

Last week, Glen Smeltzer (that’s me) gave a Solar Presentation at Dennis Eaton’s 3rd grade class, San Gabriel Road Elementary School, Atascadero. Mr.Eaton’s had been studying the solar system, so I offered to let the students view the sun through my Coronado PST so they could see more than just [Read More…]

Latest Newsletter!

January 16, 2014 admin 0

Monthly club newsletters are available for members to download. If you’re a member of CCAS, you’ll be able to download these newsletters to your computer.

John Dobson

January 16, 2014 admin 0

We lost one of the true giants of the amateur community on January 15, 2014. John Lowry Dobson was a popularizer of amateur astronomy. He is most notable for being the promoter of a design for a large, portable, low-cost Newtonian reflector telescope that bears his name, the Dobsonian telescope. [Read More…]

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Solar X-Class Flare

January 9, 2014 admin2 0

January 7, 2014: Major group of Sunspots yesterday that originated a huge x-class flare today! There wasn’t a flare yesterday through the H-Alpha. Photo by Dave Majors Read more about this here