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Donating to the CCAS

January 5, 2018 admin 0

Thank you for donating to CCAS! Monetary donations are used to purchase new equipment for our observing programs, support regional star parties, print our newsletter and pay for postage, pay for our great speakers, and other incidentals. All donations are greatly appreciated. We will provide a receipt upon request for [Read More…]

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Solar Eclipse on Aug 21, 2017

August 16, 2017 admin 0

There is a major eclipse over much of North America this month. The sun will go dark during the day right in the middle of a cloudless day. An eclipse is when one object completely blocks another. If you’re big on vocabulary words, the word that describes this as a [Read More…]

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Field Trip to SLAC 2017

January 10, 2017 admin 0

Our CCAS Members went on a road trip to SLAC on January 26, 2017! SLAC is the world’s longest particle accelerator and has done incredible science over the past 65 years of operation. Six scientist have won Nobel prizes for their work done at SLAC, and each year they turn [Read More…]

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Mt Wilson Trip on Nov 5

October 16, 2016 admin 0

Mt. Wilson Observatory Trip November 5-6, 2016 Trip summary and observation by Glen Smeltzer             After meeting in the San Luis Obispo Home Depot parking lot, we boarded the bus and a car for the trip south.  We stopped in Santa Barbara for a quick lunch and a peek through [Read More…]