Go Status for Star Gazing
Are you ready for Saturday’s STAR GAZING event? We’ll be at the Santa Margarita KOA at sunset – come join us for this once-a-month free public event under the night skies!
Are you ready for Saturday’s STAR GAZING event? We’ll be at the Santa Margarita KOA at sunset – come join us for this once-a-month free public event under the night skies!
April 17, 2010 at Sunset CCAS Members are invited to a private star party just for CCAS members at an 80-acre ranch in Templeton, Dancing Deer Ranch, owned by retired professor Peter Huber (who is also an amateur astronomer). The ranch is an eco-friendly retreat center available to CCAS free [Read More…]
Here’s a brief movie highlighting the Science and Technology behind NRAO’s instruments: the Very Large Array (VLA) and its expansion (EVLA); the Green Bank Telescope (GBT); the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA); and the Atacama Large Millimeter-wave Array (ALMA). Read more here.
Astronomy Beat #40 Speaking for Astronomy: Harder Than It Looks (PDF, 1 MB) by Bruce Margon (University of California, Santa Cruz) Click on the link above to view the pdf, or right-click (PC)/control-click (Mac) the link to download the file to your computer.
As a CCAS member, you can borrow quality club telescopes for free, have the opportunity to participate in astronomical events, be exposed to fascinating topics and occasional guest speakers, and get a reduced subscription rate to popular astronomy magazines. No previous experience required! If you’re fascinated by the stars as [Read More…]
Astronomy Beat #39 Dark Matter: A Talk with Vera Rubin (PDF, 650 KB) by Douglas Isbell and Stephen Strom Click on the link above to view the pdf, or right-click (PC)/control-click (Mac) the link to download the file to your computer.
Here’s a nice 22 deg ice halo from Morro Bay this morning from CCAS member Dave Majors.
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