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Star Party on Sept 4th Success!

September 10, 2010 admin 0

Wow… what a beautiful night! We had such a great time with the clear night as tons of folks trekked up the hill. Many thanks extend out to Kent Wallace, Pete Roebber, Chris and Reed Estrada for their time, telescopes, and talent! We had mostly ‘big guns’ up at the [Read More…]

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Stary Party at the KOA

August 9, 2010 admin 0

The August 7, 2010 KOA star party was a success even though there were only 4 telescopes. Dave was there with his 12″ Intelliscope, Kent with his 20″ Starsplitter and Reed with his and Chris’s homebuilt 22″. A 6″ Newt on a German equatorial arrived after dark and was set [Read More…]

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Thunder at a Star Party!

July 12, 2010 admin 0

From VP Chris Estrada: The last Star Party on July 10, 2010 at the Santa Margarita KOA had mixed results… Only 4 scopes turned up… Reed Estrada and I, Tom Frey, Pete Roebbers and David Majors… There was a modest public turn out… The afternoon started out iffy but then [Read More…]

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Large Alt-Az Telescope at Big Bear

June 20, 2010 admin 0

One Meter Photometric Telescope at RTMC (Riverside Telescope Maker’s Conference) on May 15, Big Bear Lake, California Report from: Russ Genet, Reed Estrada, and VP Chris Estrada The one meter wooden prototype photometric telescope made it to RTMC this year.  First “sawdust” was this past October, so construction has been [Read More…]

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Talk at Cambria Rotary Club

June 19, 2010 admin 0

The CCAS was invited to be the guest speaker for the Cambria Rotary Club on Friday, June 18th, 2010, who meets weekly at the Cambria Pines Lodge.  Member Joseph Carro was the presenter: “The meeting of the Cambria Rotary went very well.  I had a presentation ready, but as soon [Read More…]

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Star Gazing and Wine!

June 18, 2010 admin 0

The CCAS was invited to co-host a wine-tasting event under the stars on June 19, 2010 at sunset.  This is the fifth year in a row that we’ve had this wonderful opportunity to share with the public, and we hope to continue this event in the future. “Cass Winery star [Read More…]