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Missed Tartar’s Talk?

November 1, 2011 admin 0

Jill Tarter is Director, Center for SETI Research at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California. On October 8th, she gave an amazing presentation to over 300 people at Cal Poly State University. Tarter’s work has brought her wide recognition in the scientific community, including two Public Service Medals from [Read More…]

Me and My Scopes by Dr. Ray Weymann

July 1, 2011 admin 0

Please notice the quotation marks around the title, because none of the telescopes that have been a part of my life have been “mine”–I have never owned one! Lets begin in 1946, when I was a 6th grader in Miss Weber’s class. She was an enthusiast about science teaching, especially [Read More…]

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Los Osos Library Success!

February 14, 2011 admin 0

At the invitation of Joe Laurenzi of the Los Osos Public Library, CCAS astronomers held a very successful star party featuring the first quarter Moon and Jupiter. Attending for CCAS were myself with  my 12″ Orion Intelliscope, Joe Carro with his 11″ Celestron, and Tom Frey with the big boy-his [Read More…]