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Solar Eclipse on May 20

April 19, 2012 admin 0

On May 20, 2012, an annular eclipse of the Sun will be visible within a narrow corridor that will traverse the Northern Hemisphere of Earth. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partially obscuring the image of the Sun. An annular [Read More…]

Fun with the Sun by Michael Spingler

April 1, 2012 admin 0

When I was 12 years old I had my first view of the sun with my homebuilt 8″ Newtonian. Ever since that day I have been hooked on solar astronomy. My first solar filter incorporated a Hershel wedge design. This system used a non-aluminized diagonal which was inserted into the [Read More…]

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Download August 2012 Newsletter

March 1, 2012 admin 0

Monthly club newsletters are available for members to download. If you’re a member of CCAS, you’ll be able to download these newsletters to your computer.

Great Moments in Astronomy by Walt Reil

February 1, 2012 admin 0

As many astronomers can tell you, holding star parties and heading into unknown territory to perform your stargazing can sometimes throw you a curve ball and present rather interesting and challenging situations. Aurora asked that I relate any events that might make for interesting reading for CCAS readers, so here [Read More…]