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May 9th Mentoring Program

May 3, 2014 admin 0

Mentoring Program with Lee Coombs is coming up on May 9th! This group meets in the evening at Lee’s private observatory. This program is specifically for new members with little to no experience in astronomy. It’s designed to provide basic instruction about the night sky as well as how to [Read More…]

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Earth Day Excellence

April 27, 2014 admin 0

  Our happy club of friendly astronomers were busy at the Earth Day astounding folks with different views of the sun through a variety of different solar scopes, including optical and h-alpha filters, including a special guest appearance by David Gibb’s Lunt scope (image on the right below shows Dave [Read More…]

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Lunar Eclipse

April 16, 2014 admin 0

The total lunar eclipse of April 15 lasted about 3.5 hours between late Monday and early Tuesday, with the Earth’s shadow slowing darkening the face of the so-called “Blood Moon” in a jaw-dropping sight for stargazers willing to stay up extra late or rise super-early for the event. The lunar [Read More…]

Successful Talk with Dr. Dave Mitchell

March 28, 2014 admin 0

Very full meeting last night! Dr. Dave Mitchell spoke to about 85 people, including a bunch of youngsters who asked as many questions as the adults! It was so nice to see the interest from the community about astronomy. Dave had a hard time getting speaking about the moons since [Read More…]

Latest Newsletter!

January 16, 2014 admin 0

Monthly club newsletters are available for members to download. If you’re a member of CCAS, you’ll be able to download these newsletters to your computer.

John Dobson

January 16, 2014 admin 0

We lost one of the true giants of the amateur community on January 15, 2014. John Lowry Dobson was a popularizer of amateur astronomy. He is most notable for being the promoter of a design for a large, portable, low-cost Newtonian reflector telescope that bears his name, the Dobsonian telescope. [Read More…]

What’s Up for the December Sky

December 2, 2013 admin 0

Key Stars For observers at mid-northern latitudes, the Pleiades star cluster is due south around 10 P.M. local time. Above it is Perseus, flanked by Auriga and Cassiopeia. Orion can be found above the southeastern horizon, and between it and the celestial pole glitters Capella. High in the east are [Read More…]